Meeting of heads of departments of Turkmenistan and UN representatives to discuss cooperation priorities


On November 19, 2020, a joint meeting through videoconferencing of the heads of the ministries and departments of the Central Civil Defense and Emergency Situations Services of Turkmenistan and the heads of UN agencies was held to approve the priorities of cooperation for 2021.

The meeting discussed the priority issues of joint activities in the field of disaster risk reduction and increased emergency preparedness for 2021, including strengthening interagency coordination and the implementation of joint programs and projects within the framework of the signed joint action plans.

Also during the meeting, the results of the implementation of the Joint Action Plan for 2020 were presented, an exchange of views was held on strengthening cooperation at the country level, and issues that could be initiated within the framework of interaction in the Central Asian region, including the exchange of best practices in the field of disaster risk reduction and emergency response.

In addition, the parties identified the areas of activity and composition of the National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, the regulatory and legal provisions necessary for the implementation of the Law of Turkmenistan "On International Humanitarian Assistance in an Emergency Situation", as well as priority issues of developing regional cooperation in the field of emergency preparedness and disaster risk reduction.