UN, OSCE, ICRC – among the main partners in the process of implementation of the international obligations of Turkmenistan in the area of human rights and international humanitarian law


During today’s meeting of the Inter-departmental Commission on the Implementation of International Obligations of Turkmenistan in the area of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law, a wide range of issues related to further implementation of the humanitarian policy of the country was discussed.

During the discussion of the draft of the National Action Plan in the area of Human Rights in Turkmenistan for 2021-2025, the UN representatives highly appraised the level of cooperation with Turkmenistan and shared expert knowledge on the application of the instruments for the fulfillment of the National Action Plan with the international partners.     

The Plan of Events on the Implementation of the International Humanitarian Law for 2021-2023 was also thoroughly considered. Special emphasis was made on the enhancement of awareness of the population in the field of raising the expertise of state employees, national specialists and civil society.      

The issues of strengthening international legal basis of Turkmenistan with the UNESCO and OSCE were discussed. The key aspects of cooperation with these international structures were voiced, in particular the importance of the joint work with the OSCE Center in Ashgabat within projects of scientific-educational, legal and mass media scope were highlighted.

Also the issues of juvenile justice that are reflected in the National Action Plan on the Implementation of the Children’s Rights in Turkmenistan for 2018-2022 were touched upon.

The participants exchanged views regarding the enhancement of the work of the Inter-departmental Commission and viewed the events in the framework of the Plan of the Inter-departmental Commission for 2021.