International Peace and Trust Youth Forum was held in Ashgabat


On the 29th of March 2021, the International Peace and Trust Youth Forum organized jointly by the Government of Turkmenistan and the Office of the UN Resident Coordinator in Turkmenistan was held in the Institute of International Relations of the MFA of Turkmenistan in the hybrid format. The Forum was convened with the aim of implementing the UN General Assembly Resolution proclaiming the year 2021 as the International Year of Peace and Trust.  

The representatives of the Mejlis (Parliament), Ministry of Education, Ministry of Sport and Youth Policy of Turkmenistan, institutions of higher education and public organizations of the country participated to the event.  The representatives of the UN system agencies, in particular the UNFPA, UNICEF, UNESCO, Office of the Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth, UN Alliance of Civilizations and regional youth organizations also took part in the Forum.

The Forum has become a unique platform for the discussion and exchange of experience on the establishment of mechanisms for the involvement of the youth in the development of the culture of peace, trust, tolerance, intercultural and interreligious dialogue.  

During the event, the representatives of international organizations, national participants presented the plans for expanding the contribution of youth to the processes of strengthening the culture of peace on the national, regional and global levels.  The participants were also acquainted with the information on implementing the International Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace, adopted by the UN General Assembly in September 1999.    

It is expected that the results of the Forum will make an input into the work of the Youth Forum of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) to be held in April of current year in New York. 

Upon the outcomes of the Forum, a Joint Appeal of the participants was adopted.