The regular high-level meeting of Trade and Investments Framework Agreement (TIFA) was held


On the 30th of March, 2021, the regular high-level meeting of the Council of Trade and Investments Framework Agreement (TIFA) between the Government of the USA and the Governments of Central Asian countries had been held.

The meeting was attended by Turkmen delegation with the Minister of Trade and Foreign Economic Ties at the head, as well as the delegations of the USA, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. In addition, the representatives of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan participated to the meeting as observers.

During the meeting the issues of improvement of the investment climate, simplification of the trade between the countries, settlement of customs procedures, observance of intellectual property rights, implementation of international product standards, as well as development of electronic commerce had been discussed.

Following the meeting, the Joint Declaration was adopted and the next meeting of the TIFA Council was proposed to be held in one of the cities of the Central Asia.