The International forum “Muhammet Bayram Han - the Turkmen and Traditions of Humanism, Patriotism and Courage of the Turkmen People” began its work in Turkmenistan

On March 31, 2021, the International forum “Muhammet Bayram Han - the Turkmen and Traditions of Humanism, Patriotism and Courage of the Turkmen People” started its work in the premises of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan in a hybrid format.
The event dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Turkmenistan’s Independence, to the 25th anniversary of the Neutrality of Turkmenistan and to the proclamation of the 2021 as a year of Turkmenistan – Homeland of Peace and Trust, gathered about 80 high-ranking statesmen, distinguished scientists, political workers and historians from 18 countries of the world and more than 200 speeches was heard during the forum.
Minister of Education of Turkmenistan O.Gurbanov and President of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan S.Toylyev made speeches at the opening ceremony of the forum.
The key speakers of the forum were: acting minister of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Mohammed Tahir Zuhair, the Director General of the Indian Council of World Affairs, Republic of India Dr. Ambassador T.C.A. Raghawan, the Honorary member of the Academy of Sciences of Republic of Tatarstan, doctor of philosophy, professor Hanisa Alishina, Founder and President of the Research Institute of Peace and Diplomacy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Farhat Asif, Rector of Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay Takir Balykbayev, Vice-rector of the Law institute of Osh University of Kyrgyz Republic, doctor of history Baibolat Abytov, Professor of Economics of Kabul university Sayed Masud, Head of the Center for Turkmenistan Studies of Lanzhou University of the People’s Republic of China Wang Xihai, Director of the Scentific Center of the Humanitarian institute of Hujant State University named after B.Gafurov of the Republic of Tajigistan Zamira Gafarova, whose speeches were listened by videoconferencing.
The delegates discussed rich historical meaning of the creation of Bayram Han, who defined such spiritual values as patriotism, unity, well-being and humanism as main principles of the implementation of effective state policy. Besides, the participants designated the need of deep study of the spiritual legacy of commander-teacher of his time with the aim of all-round discloser of cultural-civilization values and mutual understanding in international affairs.
The forum continued its work in 4 sections.