The Delegation of Turkmenistan to the OSCE made a statement at the regular meeting of OSCE Permanent Council on the adoption of the National Action Plan for Human Rights in Turkmenistan

On May 20, 2021, the Delegation of Turkmenistan to the OSCE made a statement at the regular meeting of OSCE Permanent Council on the adoption of the National Action Plan for Human Rights in Turkmenistan for 2021-2025, which was approved by the resolution of the President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on April 16, 2021.

The statement noted that the document is a logical continuation of the action plan implemented in 2016-2020, which was adopted for strengthening the state system, ensuring and protecting human rights and freedoms in Turkmenistan.

The NAP aims to develop a systematic approach that will ensure consistent implementation of the country's obligations in the field of human rights and freedoms. In this regard, all government bodies, civil servants are called upon to promote and fulfill obligations to ensure and observe human rights.

It was specially emphasized that the strengthening and modernization of the national legislative and legal framework, taking into account generally accepted standards, fully meets the main priorities of the domestic and foreign policy pursued by our country.

The abovementioned Plan was adopted in order to further improve the activities of state bodies and public organizations of Turkmenistan to ensure fundamental human rights and freedoms, as well as to implement the norms of international humanitarian law into the country's legislation.

When developing this Plan, Turkmenistan proceeded from the main provisions of the Constitution of the country, which proclaims a person as the highest value of the society and the state.

The Interdepartmental Commission on the Implementation of International Obligations of Turkmenistan in the area of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law will be the coordinating body for the implementation of the measures provided for in the National Action Plan and the implementation of international obligations in the field of human rights.